1:  /// -------- ToujoursEnBeta
   2:  /// Author & Copyright : Peter Luschny
   3:  /// License: LGPL version 3.0 or (at your option)
   4:  /// Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
   5:  /// Comments mail to: peter(at)luschny.de
   6:  /// Created: 2010-03-01
   8:  namespace Sharith.Math.Factorial 
   9:  {
  10:      using XInt = Sharith.Arithmetic.XInt;
  12:      public class SwingRational : IFactorialFunction 
  13:      {
  14:          public SwingRational() { }
  16:          public string Name
  17:          {
  18:              get { return "SwingRational       "; }
  19:          }
  21:          private long den, num, h;
  22:          private int i;
  24:          public XInt Factorial(int n)
  25:          {
  26:              if (n < 0)
  27:              {
  28:                  throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("n",
  29:                  Name + ": n >= 0 required, but was " + n);
  30:              }
  31:              return RecFactorial(n);
  32:          }
  34:          private XInt RecFactorial(int n)
  35:          {
  36:              if (n < 2) return XInt.One;
  38:              return XInt.Pow(RecFactorial(n / 2), 2) * Swing(n);
  39:          }
  41:          private XInt Swing(int n)
  42:          {
  43:              switch (n % 4)
  44:              {
  45:                  case 1: h = n / 2 + 1; break;
  46:                  case 2: h = 2; break;
  47:                  case 3: h = 2 * (n / 2 + 2); break;
  48:                  default: h = 1; break;
  49:              }
  51:              num = 2 * (n + 2 - ((n + 1) & 1));
  52:              den = 1;
  53:              i = n / 4;
  55:              return Product(i + 1).Numerator;
  56:          }
  58:          private Rational Product(int l)
  59:          {
  60:              if (l > 1)
  61:              {
  62:                  int m = l / 2;
  63:                  return Product(m) * Product(l - m);
  64:              }
  66:              if (i-- > 0)
  67:              {
  68:                  return new Rational(num -= 4, den++);
  69:              }
  71:              return new Rational(h, 1);
  72:          }
  74:          //-------------------------------------------------------------
  75:          // A minimalistic rational arithmetic *only* for the use of
  76:          // SwingRationalDouble. The sole purpose for inclusion
  77:          // here is to make the description of the algorithm more
  78:          // independent and more easy to port.
  79:          //-------------------------------------------------------------
  80:          private class Rational
  81:          {
  82:              private XInt num; // Numerator
  83:              private XInt den; // Denominator
  85:              public XInt Numerator
  86:              {
  87:                  get
  88:                  {
  89:                      XInt cd = XInt.GreatestCommonDivisor(num, den);
  90:                      return num / cd;
  91:                  }
  92:              }
  94:              public Rational(long _num, long _den)
  95:              {
  96:                  long cd = Gcd(_den, _num);
  97:                  num = new XInt(_num / cd);
  98:                  den = new XInt(_den / cd);
  99:              }
 101:              public Rational(XInt _num, XInt _den)
 102:              {
 103:                  // If (and only if) the arithmetic supports a
 104:                  // *real* fast Gcd this would lead to a speed up:
 105:                  // XInt cd = XInt.Gcd(_num, _den);
 106:                  // num = new XInt(_num / cd);
 107:                  // den = new XInt(_den / cd);
 108:                  num = _num;
 109:                  den = _den;
 110:              }
 112:              public static Rational operator *(Rational a, Rational r)
 113:              {
 114:                  return new Rational(a.num * r.num, a.den * r.den);
 115:              }
 117:              private static long Gcd(long a, long b)
 118:              {
 119:                  long x, y;
 121:                  if (a < b) { x = b; y = a; }
 122:                  else { x = a; y = b; }
 124:                  while (y != 0)
 125:                  {
 126:                      long t = x % y; x = y; y = t;
 127:                  }
 128:                  return x;
 129:              }
 130:          } // endOfRational
 131:      }
 132:  } // endOfSwingRational